Ideas and workings of a software developer.

Flutter & Firebase
Writing about Flutter, Firebase and all the things that go along with it. More...

Synchronized Tally
Keep track of how many people are on your premises. Tally syncs multiple phones together to share a common tally that is synchronized in real time. iOS and Android supported. More...

QR Sidekick
Scan bar codes directly into Google Sheets. no copy, paste or import/export. It scans & updates your sheet immediately. More...

Sports Stopwatch
We have apps for iOS and Android. check out our full list of applications and see what we have for you. More...

Live & Local
You keep score and everyone gets live updates. iOS, Android or Web. Sports from around the world and adding more custom scoreboards regularly. More...

Big Calculator
For people with big fingers who want big buttons. Big Calculator. For iOS and Android. More...

Dad Jokes
Vote for the best Dad Joke with our A/B testing page. You can vote as many times as you like. More...
Recent Posts
- Unsubscribing from Samsung's Email List
The month long process of unsubscribing from Samsung email list.
- Code Reviews Are Too Late
Code reviews are too late in the process. They need to be sooner
- Is all code bad?
..or just the code we look at the most
- My Calculator has big buttons
Why I wrote a calculator app.
- Scanning Bar-Codes into a Google Docs Spreadsheet
Scanning a barcode into a Google Sheet.
- Will Web Assembly Save the World?
I feel React is just that bad.
- Should Facebook Apologize?
I feel React is just that bad.
- QR Sidekick
QR Sidekick the scanner for Google Sheets
- Google sheets and QR codes
Scan from your phone into google sheets
- AI is coming for your job!
Also AI just drew this.
Flutter & Firebase
- My new most and least favorite widget
- implements PreferredSizeWidget
PreferredSizeWidget can't be used as a mixin.
- More Flutter Animation
Links to my simple Flutter animation examples.
- The Flutter Framework for Production?
filledstacks.com is making some big claims.
- Code Canyon Flutter
Code Canyon Flutter will keep Flutter Developers busy.
- Firestore Emulator Load Data
How to import data from cloud firestore to the local emulator?
- 2023 Flutter and VSCode.
Get the best out of Flutter and VSCode
- 2023 VSCode Extensions.
A list of my goto VSCode Extensions for Flutter development in 2023
- 2023 Flutter Packages.
A list of my goto flutter Packages for 2023
- Simple State Management
You don't need a complex state management system.