Becoming 1% better every day means focusing on the one tiny action you can take today to get one step closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

I'm a father of two who migrated to the US as part of the dot com boom and stayed to raise a family. Living and working in America, has allowed me to travel the world and tick things off my bucket list. I've also worked with great people at some great firms solving interesting problems. Right now I'm freelancing for Mobile and Web with startups.
This site is is here for me learn. Currently it's written with Astro and CSS to see what can be done when coding by hand, without any themes or libraries. Some of the old posts may still need formatting, as they have been migrated more than once.
While you’re here check out my blog and then head over to the app store to see what I’ve made recently. Feel free to get in touch via GitHub, Twitter/x or even old fashioned email.
This site and all my projects are always a work in progress.